Cub Scouts is open to boys and girls aged 8 to 10 ½ years old. Danbury Scouts has three Cub Packs – Riffhams (Mondays), Moore’s Bridge (Wednesdays), and Dawson (Fridays).
What do Cubs do?
We have a mixture of indoor and outdoor activities planned each term. Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. A Cub Scout meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors.
The Cub Scouts can earn up to 54 activity badges, including Air Activities, Water Activities, Faith and Animal Care, along with a wide range of challenge awards, and the staged badges which can be earned in any section.
The Danbury Cubs have taken part in several Chelmsford District events including the swimming gala, craft competitions, and the Gang Show.